A list of Christian churches (in alphabetical order) in the Palmerston North area which are associated with PNCLA. Click on a church name to go to their website.
Advance Church (Pentecostal - Christian Outreach Centre (COC)), 47 Grey Street, Palmerston North.
All Saints (Anglican), 338 Church Street (corner of The Square & Church St), Palmerston North.
Aokautere Community Church , corner of Aokautere Drive & Moonshine Valley Road, Aokautere.
Advance Church (Pentecostal - Christian Outreach Centre (COC)), 47 Grey Street, Palmerston North.
All Saints (Anglican), 338 Church Street (corner of The Square & Church St), Palmerston North.
Aokautere Community Church , corner of Aokautere Drive & Moonshine Valley Road, Aokautere.
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (Catholic), 197 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North (formerly St Patrick's).
Catholic Diocesan Centre , 33 Amesbury Street, Palmerston North.
Christ Sanctuary (Independent), 50 Queen Street, Palmerston North.
Christian Community Church (CCC) (Pentecostal - LinkNZ), 54 Pascal Street, Takaro, Palmerston North.
Church on Vogel (Open Brethren), 127 Vogel Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
Congregational Church of Samoa (EFKS) (Congregational), 39 Havelock Avenue, Westbrook, Palmerston North.
Crosspoint Church (Independent), Level 1 in The Gap arcade, 128 King Street, Palmerston North.
Crossroads (Independent), 220 Church Street (corner of Cook St & Church St), Palmerston North.
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (Catholic), 197 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North (formerly St Patrick's).
Catholic Diocesan Centre , 33 Amesbury Street, Palmerston North.
Christ Sanctuary (Independent), 50 Queen Street, Palmerston North.
Christian Community Church (CCC) (Pentecostal - LinkNZ), 54 Pascal Street, Takaro, Palmerston North.
Church on Vogel (Open Brethren), 127 Vogel Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
Congregational Church of Samoa (EFKS) (Congregational), 39 Havelock Avenue, Westbrook, Palmerston North.
Crosspoint Church (Independent), Level 1 in The Gap arcade, 128 King Street, Palmerston North.
Crossroads (Independent), 220 Church Street (corner of Cook St & Church St), Palmerston North.
Emmanuel (Congregational) , 228 Broadway Avenue (corner of Broadway Ave & Victoria Ave), Palmerston North.
Equippers Palmerston North (Pentecostal - ACTS Churches), 112 Cuba Street (corner of Cuba St & Domain St), Palmerston North.
Emmanuel (Congregational) , 228 Broadway Avenue (corner of Broadway Ave & Victoria Ave), Palmerston North.
Equippers Palmerston North (Pentecostal - ACTS Churches), 112 Cuba Street (corner of Cuba St & Domain St), Palmerston North.
Faith Revival Church (Pentecostal - Independent), Kelvin Grove Community Centre, 68 Kaimanawa Street, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North (formerly Friends In Christ Fellowship).
Filipino Christian Fellowship (Pentecostal - Independent), Milson Combined Church building, 85 Milson Line (corner of Milson Line & Purdie Place), Milson, Palmerston North.
Faith Revival Church (Pentecostal - Independent), Kelvin Grove Community Centre, 68 Kaimanawa Street, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North (formerly Friends In Christ Fellowship).
Filipino Christian Fellowship (Pentecostal - Independent), Milson Combined Church building, 85 Milson Line (corner of Milson Line & Purdie Place), Milson, Palmerston North.
Gateways Christian Fellowship (Pentecostal - New Life Churches of NZ), 174 Church Street, West End, Palmerston North (formerly Palmerston North Christian Fellowship).
Grace City Church (Independent), 12 Morris Street (corner of Morris St & Ferguson St), Palmerston North.
Grace Communion International (GCI) (Grace Communion International), Palmerston North (formerly Worldwide Church of God).
Gateways Christian Fellowship (Pentecostal - New Life Churches of NZ), 174 Church Street, West End, Palmerston North (formerly Palmerston North Christian Fellowship).
Grace City Church (Independent), 12 Morris Street (corner of Morris St & Ferguson St), Palmerston North.
Grace Communion International (GCI) (Grace Communion International), Palmerston North (formerly Worldwide Church of God).
Hanmaeum Korean Church (Korean Evangelical Holiness Church) (Evangelical Holiness), St Luke's church building, 250 Church Street (corner Mcgiffert St & Church St), Palmerston North.
Hokowhitu Baptist (Baptist), 15 Ascot Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston North.
Hope Vineyard (Vineyard), 156 The Square, Palmerston North.
Hanmaeum Korean Church (Korean Evangelical Holiness Church) (Evangelical Holiness), St Luke's church building, 250 Church Street (corner Mcgiffert St & Church St), Palmerston North.
Hokowhitu Baptist (Baptist), 15 Ascot Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston North.
Hope Vineyard (Vineyard), 156 The Square, Palmerston North.
Kingdom Ambassadors International Fellowship (KAIF) (Kingdom Ambassadors), Square Edge Arts Centre, 47 The Square, Palmerston North.
King's Grace Church (Grace Presbyterian Church of NZ), 118 King Street, Palmerston North (formerly Grace Presbyterian Church).
Kingston Community Church (CCCNZ), 22 Kingston Street (corner of Kingston St & London Terrace), Awapuni, Palmerston North.
Korean Evangelical Holiness Church (Hanmaeum Korean Church) (Evangelical Holiness), St Luke's church building, 250 Church Street (corner Mcgiffert St & Church St), Palmerston North.
Korimako Vineyard Church (Vineyard), St Mark's church building, 117 College Street, Awapuni, Palmerston North.
Kingdom Ambassadors International Fellowship (KAIF) (Kingdom Ambassadors), Square Edge Arts Centre, 47 The Square, Palmerston North.
King's Grace Church (Grace Presbyterian Church of NZ), 118 King Street, Palmerston North (formerly Grace Presbyterian Church).
Kingston Community Church (CCCNZ), 22 Kingston Street (corner of Kingston St & London Terrace), Awapuni, Palmerston North.
Korean Evangelical Holiness Church (Hanmaeum Korean Church) (Evangelical Holiness), St Luke's church building, 250 Church Street (corner Mcgiffert St & Church St), Palmerston North.
Korimako Vineyard Church (Vineyard), St Mark's church building, 117 College Street, Awapuni, Palmerston North.
Legacy (Pentecostal - Independent), 200 Church Street, Palmerston North. Church office at 112 Cuba St. Community centre at 86-92 Highbury Ave.
Legacy (Pentecostal - Independent), 200 Church Street, Palmerston North. Church office at 112 Cuba St. Community centre at 86-92 Highbury Ave.
Milson Combined Church (Combined - Anglican / Methodist / Presbyterian), 85 Milson Line (corner of Milson Line & Purdie Place), Milson, Palmerston North.
Mosaic Church (Seventh-Day Adventist), 27 Snelson Street, Palmerston North.
Milson Combined Church (Combined - Anglican / Methodist / Presbyterian), 85 Milson Line (corner of Milson Line & Purdie Place), Milson, Palmerston North.
Mosaic Church (Seventh-Day Adventist), 27 Snelson Street, Palmerston North.
New Life (Pentecostal - New Life Churches of NZ), 590 Featherston Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North (formerly Lifechurch).
New Life (Pentecostal - New Life Churches of NZ), 590 Featherston Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North (formerly Lifechurch).
Palmerston North Central Baptist (CB, PNCB) (Baptist), 190 Church Street, West End, Palmerston North.
Palmerston North Church of Christ (Church By The Bridge) (Christian Churches NZ), 37 Botanical Road, Takaro, Palmerston North.
Palmerston North Samoan Assembly of God (Pentecostal - Assemblies of God (AOG)), 8 Haydon Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
Palmerston North Seventh-day Adventist Church (Seventh-Day Adventist), 257 Ferguson Street, Palmerston North. (formerly Central Adventist Church).
Palmerston North Victory Christian Church (Pentecostal - New Life Churches of NZ), Palmerston North.
Parish of Pohangina (Ashhurst / Pohangina Anglican Parish) :
- St Mary Magdalene's , 67 Cambridge Avenue, Ashhurst.
- St Bartholomew's , 1921 Pohangina East Valley Road, Komako, Pohangina Valley.
Pathways Presbyterian Church (Presbyterian), Sunday church services & parish office at Pathways At St Andrew's, 388 Church St, Palmerston North. (formerly Presbyterian New Church; also formerly St Mark's & St Andrew's, and St David's).
Pohangina Methodist Church (Manawatū-Rangitīkei Regional Methodist Parish), Finnis Road, Pohangina.
Palmerston North Central Baptist (CB, PNCB) (Baptist), 190 Church Street, West End, Palmerston North.
Palmerston North Church of Christ (Church By The Bridge) (Christian Churches NZ), 37 Botanical Road, Takaro, Palmerston North.
Palmerston North Samoan Assembly of God (Pentecostal - Assemblies of God (AOG)), 8 Haydon Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
Palmerston North Seventh-day Adventist Church (Seventh-Day Adventist), 257 Ferguson Street, Palmerston North. (formerly Central Adventist Church).
Palmerston North Victory Christian Church (Pentecostal - New Life Churches of NZ), Palmerston North.
Parish of Pohangina (Ashhurst / Pohangina Anglican Parish) :
- St Mary Magdalene's , 67 Cambridge Avenue, Ashhurst.
- St Bartholomew's , 1921 Pohangina East Valley Road, Komako, Pohangina Valley.
Pathways Presbyterian Church (Presbyterian), Sunday church services & parish office at Pathways At St Andrew's, 388 Church St, Palmerston North. (formerly Presbyterian New Church; also formerly St Mark's & St Andrew's, and St David's).
Pohangina Methodist Church (Manawatū-Rangitīkei Regional Methodist Parish), Finnis Road, Pohangina.
Ray Of Hope Church (Pentecostal - Independent), Legacy Community Centre, 86-92 Highbury Avenue, Highbury, Palmerston North.
Reformed Church of Palmerston North (Reformed), 541 Ruahine Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston North.
River Church (Pentecostal - New Life Churches of NZ), Village Valley Centre, 21 Guildford Street, Ashhurst (formerly Ashhurst Christian Fellowship).
Rongotea Uniting Parish (Uniting - Methodist / Presbyterian), St Luke's church building, 72 Thames Street (corner of Thames St & Tamar St), Rongotea.
Ray Of Hope Church (Pentecostal - Independent), Legacy Community Centre, 86-92 Highbury Avenue, Highbury, Palmerston North.
Reformed Church of Palmerston North (Reformed), 541 Ruahine Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston North.
River Church (Pentecostal - New Life Churches of NZ), Village Valley Centre, 21 Guildford Street, Ashhurst (formerly Ashhurst Christian Fellowship).
Rongotea Uniting Parish (Uniting - Methodist / Presbyterian), St Luke's church building, 72 Thames Street (corner of Thames St & Tamar St), Rongotea.
Salt (Pentecostal - Assemblies of God (AOG)), 27-35 Matipo Street, Takaro, Palmerston North (formerly Salt Central).
Salvation Army Palmerston North Corps, The (The Salvation Army), 431 Church Street (corner of Church St & Princess St), Palmerston North.
Samoan Methodist Church (Ekalesia Metotisi Samoa) (Methodist), 81 Ferguson Street (corner of Ferguson St & Botanical Rd), West End, Palmerston North.
St Alban's (Presbyterian - evangelical & charismatic), 339 Albert Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston North.
St Andrew's (look under Pathways Presbyterian Church) - St Andrew's church building, 388 Church St (corner of Ashley St & Church St), Palmerston North.
St Bartholomew's (Parish of Pohangina (Ashhurst / Pohangina Anglican Parish)), 1921 Pohangina East Valley Road, Komako, Pohangina Valley.
St Columba's (Anglican), corner of Akers Road & Highway 57 (Tennent Drive), Linton.
St Columba's (Catholic), 83 Mulgrave Street, Ashhurst.
St David's (look under Pathways Presbyterian Church) - St David's church building, 3 Rainforth Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
St John's (Manawatū-Rangitīkei Regional Methodist Parish), 57 Bamfield Street, Ashhurst.
St Luke's (Lutheran), 250 Church Street (corner of McGiffert St & Church St), Palmerston North.
St Mark's (look under Pathways Presbyterian Church) - St Mark's church building, 117 College Street, Awapuni, Palmerston North.
St Mary Magdalene's (Parish of Pohangina (Ashhurst / Pohangina Anglican Parish)), 67 Cambridge Avenue, Ashhurst.
St Mary's (Catholic), 69 Ruahine Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
St Matthew's (Anglican), 109 College Street, Awapuni, Palmerston North.
St Michael's (Anglican), 70 Ellesmere Crescent, Highbury, Palmerston North.
St Oswald's (Anglican), corner of Kingswood Street & Featherston Street, Takaro, Palmerston North.
St Peter's (Anglican), 229 Ruahine Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
St Simon & St Jude's (Anglican), 9-11 Ouse Street, Rongotea.
Stream Gathering Wesleyan Church (Wesleyan), 1 Coventry Street, Highbury, Palmerston North.
Salt (Pentecostal - Assemblies of God (AOG)), 27-35 Matipo Street, Takaro, Palmerston North (formerly Salt Central).
Salvation Army Palmerston North Corps, The (The Salvation Army), 431 Church Street (corner of Church St & Princess St), Palmerston North.
Samoan Methodist Church (Ekalesia Metotisi Samoa) (Methodist), 81 Ferguson Street (corner of Ferguson St & Botanical Rd), West End, Palmerston North.
St Alban's (Presbyterian - evangelical & charismatic), 339 Albert Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston North.
St Andrew's (look under Pathways Presbyterian Church) - St Andrew's church building, 388 Church St (corner of Ashley St & Church St), Palmerston North.
St Bartholomew's (Parish of Pohangina (Ashhurst / Pohangina Anglican Parish)), 1921 Pohangina East Valley Road, Komako, Pohangina Valley.
St Columba's (Anglican), corner of Akers Road & Highway 57 (Tennent Drive), Linton.
St Columba's (Catholic), 83 Mulgrave Street, Ashhurst.
St David's (look under Pathways Presbyterian Church) - St David's church building, 3 Rainforth Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
St John's (Manawatū-Rangitīkei Regional Methodist Parish), 57 Bamfield Street, Ashhurst.
St Luke's (Lutheran), 250 Church Street (corner of McGiffert St & Church St), Palmerston North.
St Mark's (look under Pathways Presbyterian Church) - St Mark's church building, 117 College Street, Awapuni, Palmerston North.
St Mary Magdalene's (Parish of Pohangina (Ashhurst / Pohangina Anglican Parish)), 67 Cambridge Avenue, Ashhurst.
St Mary's (Catholic), 69 Ruahine Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
St Matthew's (Anglican), 109 College Street, Awapuni, Palmerston North.
St Michael's (Anglican), 70 Ellesmere Crescent, Highbury, Palmerston North.
St Oswald's (Anglican), corner of Kingswood Street & Featherston Street, Takaro, Palmerston North.
St Peter's (Anglican), 229 Ruahine Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North.
St Simon & St Jude's (Anglican), 9-11 Ouse Street, Rongotea.
Stream Gathering Wesleyan Church (Wesleyan), 1 Coventry Street, Highbury, Palmerston North.
Trinity Church (Pentecostal - Assemblies of God (AOG)), Cloverlea School Hall, 55-57 Herbert Avenue, Cloverlea, Palmerston North (formerly Salt West).
Trinity Church (Pentecostal - Assemblies of God (AOG)), Cloverlea School Hall, 55-57 Herbert Avenue, Cloverlea, Palmerston North (formerly Salt West).
Wesley Broadway (Manawatū-Rangitīkei Regional Methodist Parish), 264 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North. While Wesley Broadway building renovations being completed, Sunday services held at Terracehaven Funeral Chapel, 697 Main Street, Palmerston North.
Wesley Broadway (Manawatū-Rangitīkei Regional Methodist Parish), 264 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North. While Wesley Broadway building renovations being completed, Sunday services held at Terracehaven Funeral Chapel, 697 Main Street, Palmerston North.
Page last updated 25th June 2024